Glenn Quagmire, aka Gum, is one of the residents of Quahog and one of Peter's best friends. He is most well known for his hyper-sexual tendencies.
Quagmire has a large head, a long nose, and black hair. He wears a red and yellow Hawaiian shirt, jeans, and brown shoes.
Quagmire is most known for his love of sex. He is constantly making sexual jokes and innuendos, often accompanied by his signature catchphrase, “Giggity giggity goo!”
Quagmire has several bizarre hobbies, with the most iconic one being his love for shoving rusty nails into his penis, as well as other assorted objects.
Quagmire's main occupation is being a pilot. He occasionally is depicted as flying planes into the Twin Towers.
Quagmire is known for being a bachelor who doesn't want to settle down and marry someone. He is usually depicted as being single on the stream.
Quagmire's friends include Joe , Cleveland , and Peter . They often hang out together at the Clam and have strange discussions involving topics suggested by the viewers.
Quagmire can sometimes be seen having sex with various female characters, most commonly Lois .
Quagmire has mentioned that he does have an un-named ex-wife. [clip]
Actually, Quagmire's ex-wife is called Ida from the pound. WTF. [clip]
He once mentioned an ex-wife of his was very flat. It's not certain if it's the same, or a different one. [clip]
Has a sister that works as a doctor [clip]
Has an unnamed girlfriend [clip]
Has a fishing buddy called Filbert [clip]
Has a relationship with Brian [clip]
Has a wife called Brenda [clip]
Retep is his evil twin [clip]
Brian is his pet [clip]
Has an Irish ex-wife [clip]
Has a dead wife [clip]
Before he was added as a proper character, he used to be a donation-only character. He appeared on the living room couch, performing a dancing animation.
Quagmire dancing with the donation text in front of him
He had sex with his daughter, Meg . [clip]
Once fucked an alien in Vegas [clip]
Has a collection of hustler magazines [clip]
Quagmire accidently entered a Hot Dog eating contest instead of a beauty pageant [clip]
Quagmire has fucked Mort's grandmother [clip]
Slut-shames women while he's a damn pervert [clip]
Opens his mouth [clip]
Has been banned from heaven [clip]
He's a superhero named Quahog Quagmire [clip]
Owns a farm [clip] [clip]
He once stuck his dick on a beehive [clip]
He once slept with a swamp monster, and also hooked up with a bearded girl at the carnival [clip]
Quagmire once tried to explain quantum physics to a jellyfish [clip]
Quagmire once got stuck in a Thai ladyboy's basement [clip]
Quagmire once banged a Swedish flight attendant during a layover in Reykjavik [clip]
He got stuck in a tree once [clip]
Is a Captain [clip]
Works at the Drunken Clam [clip]
Went down on a girl with yeast infection once [clip]
Quagmire found an Asian midget porn collection once [clip]
Is a mummy expert [clip]
Loves to fuck pumpkins [clip]
Went streaking during the Queen's jubilee with Cleveland [clip]
Has a kink for fucking balloons [clip]
Does gay cruising with Bruce [clip]
Has a mustache [clip]
Apparently his mustache is crusty [clip]
Once tried to seduce Lois with a chicken costume [clip]
Quagmire once accidentally walked in on his parents having sex [clip]
Owns a business called Quagmire's Quagmire [clip]
Lusts for squirrels [clip]
Almost got arrested for being too good at making ‘tuna’ salad [clip]
Actually he hasn't had sex since '93 [clip]
Quagmire once got crabs from a woman who looked like a man [clip]
Has an inflatable dragon [clip]
Runs a Twitch stream [clip]
Sexts with Peter [clip]
Has a gigolo outfit [clip]
Bouncing Boxing Gloves sent him to the ER once [clip]
Watches his own surveillance tapes from his basement, which he calls the ‘hobby room' [clip]
He's 99.99% Jewish [clip]
Lusts for baboons [clip]
Quagmire has a racetrack at a nudist colony [clip]
Owns a flamethrower he bought online [clip]
Once attended a gender reveal party in drag [clip]
Inhaled paint thinner for a cheap high once [clip]
Once got so drunk he drove his car into a women's shelter [clip]
Once slept with Peter's mom [clip]
Has tasted his own semen [clip]
Has a sex noise tape [clip]
Tried to perform surgery on himself while high on paint fumes [clip]
Scorched the seat of his old Trans Am with his cooking experiment [clip]
His IQ dropped to room temperature after a night with Meg [clip]
Likes to eat dogs [clip]
Is in a long distance relationship with his fish [clip]
Owns a hot air balloon [clip]
Once lit one end of a menorah and tried blowing it like a kazoo [clip]
Found out that Hitler had a micropenis [clip]
Got a foot massage from a monkey [clip]
Got banned from Tinder [clip]
Had sex with a fire hose [clip]
Accidentally super-glued his dick to his hand [clip]
Went to a sex toy convention [clip]
Accidentally handcuffed himself to a bed at a Motel 6 [clip]
Has a memorial bridge [clip]
Invested in a 24-hour strip club called ‘GigGle GGGlory’ [clip]
Quagmire had a paintball war with Santa [clip]
He has been to Mexico, which he consideres to have been a weird experience [clip]
Tried to sue Quahog 5 News for not showing his sex tapes as news [clip]
Quagmire's middle name is Jennifer. [clip]
Got stuck in a Chinese finger trap with an actual Chinese person [clip]
Banged an alien chick with three boobs once [clip]
Had sex with a sheep and Jerome saw it [clip]
Has a hazmat suit [clip]
His lifelong dream is to have sex with a slippery drug-covered man [clip]
Buried Retep alive once [clip]
He's incestuous and a pedophile [clip]
Likes to bang an inflatable sheep he owns [clip]
Got crabs from a Thai hooker [clip]
Once dated a girl with no eyes, and cheated on her with her sister [clip]
Has a sex doll called Vanessa [clip]
Tried to date a sheep [clip]
When he was a kid he cried after Principal Shepherd gave him a participation trophy [clip]
Fucked his sister [clip]
Got a lap dance from a mermaid [clip]
Lost both his feet in a lawnmower accident [clip]
Got crabs from a one-night stand in Tijuana [clip]
Visited a porn set in Tijuana. Perhaps that's where he got the crabs? [clip]
There was a hurricane named after his unknown ex [clip]
Accidentally watched a family-friendly movie and that irritated him [clip]
Giggity giggity goo!
Giga-gigity! [clip]
Hey, shut up!
Aaaahhh! Aaaahhh! Aaaahhh! (stroke trigger) [clip]