Cleveland Brown, often nicknamed “Strokeland” for his constant “strokes”, is a black man living in the town of Quahog and a member of the ai_peter live stream.
Living Room | Kitchen | Chris' Room | Stewie's Room | Outside | Pharmacy | Hospital | Mini-Mart | Drunken Clam | News studio | Courtroom | Comedy Club | Heaven |
No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cleveland is a slightly obese black man with frizzy black hair, a yellow shirt, and blue pants.
Cleveland is the “token black guy” of Peter Griffin's friend group. His personality consists of many black cultural stereotypes.
Cleveland's favourite food is Kentucky Fried Chicken. He also loves beef and other meats, often saying only the word “Beef…”.
Cleveland has many signature catchphrases, such as “No no no no no no no!" and “That's nasty”. He also often says single words followed by ellipses, such as “Beef…” and “Milton…”
Cleveland used to have his television show called “The Cleveland Show”, which was ultimately cancelled due to low ratings. He often brings this up out of nowhere and begins complaining about it.
Cleveland is married to Donna Brown. Despite this, he ignores Donna's talents and opinions [clip]
Cleveland has a rivalry with esteemed racist Carter Pewtershmidt. Cleveland is typically the target of Carter's racist antics.
Cleveland once knew a person named “Milton”, however little is known about him. People often speculate about who Milton is, with a popular theory being that Milton was a former sexual partner of Cleveland's.
Cleveland was once a member of the Griffin family [clip]
While Cleveland considers Peter to be his best friend, Peter is often racist towards Cleveland, either intentionally or unintentionally.
He is the father of Kevin [clip]
Has an uncle named Jamal [clip]
He's the father of Cleveland Jr.
Had an affair with Peter's wife, Loretta [clip]
He's still married to Loretta [clip]
Has an unknown daughter and an unknown dog, and they both fell in love with each other [clip]
Had an ex-wife that left him for Peter [clip]
Cleveland's wife left him for a toilet brush. [clip]
Has had at least four marriages [clip]
Her unknown grandma has been dead for five years [clip]
- beef…
- milton…
- Hey, Quagmire!
- No no no no no no
- That's nasty
- What the hell? (often followed by no no no no no)
- Hey, Quagsire. (stroke trigger) [clip]
- Sounds of insemination (stroke trigger) [clip]
- Citation needed (stroke trigger) [clip]
- This oughta be good (stroke trigger) [clip] [clip]
- AAAAHHHH!? (stroke trigger) [clip]
- I have dementia. (stroke trigger) [clip]
- Oh yeah, what's it about? (Stroke trigger) [clip]
- Fight against hate, make it not last (Stroke trigger) [clip]
- Hey Adam, how much? (Stroke Trigger?) [clip]
- You know what, Peter? I'm done with this conversation. (Stroke trigger) [clip]