Peter Griffin is the lovable and chaotic oaf of a father in Family Guy. Married to Lois , he is the father of Meg , Chris , and Stewie . Peter also has a vestigial twin, Chip , and an evil clone, Retep.
He's also an Irish-American of black and asian descent born in Mexico.
Peter is fat and 43 years old. (He's actually 58 , he's lying about his age) He wears a white collared button-up shirt with green pants, a belt buckle, and brown shoes. He wears circle-shaped lenses for his vision. He also has chin testicles.
He is known for his controversial opinions and frequent ejaculations. He has shown himself to be self-aware, and to be the "host" of the "Show"; he used to appear every time a topic was rejected by the AI. He is widely regarded as the most dangerous individual. From mass genocide to extreme racism, he is a loose cannon who doesn't hesitate to follow others in their insanity.
One of the original six characters
His model used to look different. Because the original model's eyes were closed, spheres were added on top to make them appear as if they were open. This made his eyeballs way bigger.
In the first view streams, ChatGPT was used to generate dialogue. It frequently rejected topics, in which case Peter would make an announcement of the following form:
It seems like ChatGPT rejected the current topic (OpenAI are libtards). Spam #FuckChatGPT everyone
The rejected topic was: …
Peter rejects a topic
People would use this to make the TTS glitch in weird ways, for example by suggesting ```---```
as a topic. [ clip ]
Peter hates the sound of Meg's voice [clip]
Peter fucked a chicken once [clip]
Peter has a diaper kink [clip]
Peter claims he ended up selling his kidney after listening to Quagmire [clip]
Peter once adopted a black kid who has his own cooking show. [clip]
He also strokes sometimes when saying “And now to add ten penis to the list” [clip]
Peter is obsessed with “The Price is Right [clip]
He once got his dick stuck in a vacuum cleaner [clip]
Peter tried to smoke a whole turkey for Thanksgiving [clip]
Peter shares a familiar fetish with Vaush [clip]
Peter once thought he was Nostradamus because he predicted that chickens would fly. [clip]
Peter once got tricked into joining a cult thinking it was a discount warehouse [clip]
He is not Chris' biological father [clip]
Death has confirmed that Peter is already dead, perhaps he is a ghost wandering Quahog forever? [clip]
Here's another instance of Death claiming to have taken his soul [clip]
Peter's favourite show is 'The Bachelorette' [clip]
Once found a whole cheeseburger in his pocket [clip]
Peter's superhero name is The Asbestos Avenger [clip]
Peter owns a fart gun [clip]
Peter once ate a turd sandwich [clip]
He once bought a product from Carter that singed his face, causing him to be unable to grow a mustache [clip]
Peter's lucky number is 7 [clip]
Once OD'd on heroin and Lois celebrated his death [clip]
Watches the Orville [clip]
Once gifted Quagmire a party hat for his dick [clip]
His actual father is Bruce [clip]
Tries to control his farts [clip]
COVID vaccine made him go insane, and eventually ended his life [clip]
Ate all the pills in the house and began melting into the floor [clip]
Drinks “brain bleach” when exposed to disgusting things [clip]
Has grown Petoria to the size of a galactic federation [clip]
Does not like Cleveland's BBQ [clip]
His favourite airline is “Pawtucket Patriot Airline” [clip]
Got his head stuck on the banister once [clip]
Peter is bald [clip]
Peter accidentally went inside the women's locker room at the gym once [clip]
Peter got stuck on a porta potty in the county fair [clip]
Peter once scrambled Stewie's DNA test results [clip]
Peter admits he makes Lois miserable in their marriage [clip]
Peter once tried to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an electric drill [clip]
He's not actually Meg's father, but a friend of her mysterious real father [clip]
Peter got stuck on a vending machine once [clip]
Peter once swallowed a whole bag of marbles and then shat them out [clip]
Peter (along with Stewie and other unspecified characters) participated in a clown orgy once [clip]
Peter gave birth to Chip by splitting in two [clip]
Peter accidentally showed his junk to the entire grocery store once [clip]
Peter demands Lois to call him Big-Dick Brian during sex [clip]
Peter once sued himself for eating too much pie [clip]
Peter used to live on a boat in his driveway [clip]
Peter claims to have met Quagmire's dad in Downtown Quahog and that they shared “wild times” there, whatever that means [clip]
Peter once ate a Sunday funnies section from the newspaper [clip]
Peter once bled mayonnaise after eating too many sandwiches [clip]
Peter discovered that he can fit a whole beer can up his ass, which made him very excited [clip]
Peter once ate roadkill [clip]
Peter kissed a zombie once [clip]
He tried to build his own empire on the backyard, but it was ruined by sprinklers [clip]
Hosts his own show [clip]
Peter once tried to grill a steak on the roof [clip]
He once woke up next to a naked Cleveland in a hot tub, which he considers to be a terrifying experience [clip]
He's paranoid, to the point that one time he thought that an unnamed cat was plotting against him [clip]
Peter owns a pet hamster [clip]
Peter once clogged the toilet with Meg's tampons [clip]
He once maxed out his credit card on cheesy puffs [clip]
Peter tried to microwave a fork once [clip]
Peter got stuck in the tube slide at the park once [clip]
Fell off the roof and broke a leg once [clip]
Peter accidentally tasted Joe's testicles in the backyard barbecue once [clip]
Has a collection of beer cans [clip]
Tried to make cum pancakes for breakfast once [clip]
Has been praying for a bigger dick [clip]
Had a threesome with Lois and her sister [clip]
Actually he seems to hate Lois's sister [clip]
Got stuck in the washing machine once [clip]
Won a farting contest and also he once tried to hit on a mannequin at the mall [clip]
Has at least three unnamed ex-wives [clip]
Once tried to start a business selling dirt-flavored ice cream, but was a disaster [clip]
Once tried to fly off the roof like a superhero [clip]
Once went to a magic show and the magician never brought him back after sawing him in half [clip]
Peter got the family banned from an Applebee's once [clip]
Has a bald spot [clip]
Wrote a novel [clip]
Got crabs from a Thai hooker once [clip]
Got stuck in the dryer once [clip]
Tried to fix the roof with duct tape [clip]
Once went to Paris and thought the Eiffel Tower was a big metal Twinkie [clip]
Peter once tried to live off a diet of only marshmallows [clip]
Eats expired hot dogs [clip]
Used Meg's hairbrush for his ass hair once [clip]
Has grey hair [clip]
He's related to Lois [clip]
Peter once fought a bear with a toothpick and won [clip]
Peter has an aunt named Margie who is a very good dancer [clip]
Peter sits in public toilets and bathes in battery acid [clip]
He's married to Loretta, but she cheated on him with Cleveland [clip]
Peter once had explosive diarrhea in the grocery store [clip]
Peter once dressed as a giant dick and, additionally, he once though it was funny to dress as a Klan member [clip]
Peter is Meg's brother [clip]
Peter once thought he was a wizard [clip]
Peter thought that Jesus was a red-head [clip]
Got stuck in the toilet at the Clam while trying to retrieve his wallet [clip]
Has a gambling addiction [clip]
Has at least one ridiculous tattoo [clip]
Peter is a sailor [clip]
Peter once ate shit at the water park [clip]
Peter got hit by a truck once [clip]
Got stuck on the dryer once [clip]
He's in a wheelchair [clip]
Peter turned into a snail once [clip]
Peter once tried to use his balls as maracas [clip]
Peter fucked a pie once [clip]
Got high on catnip and thought he was a turtle [clip]
Once snorted powdered sugar thinking it was coke and that made him want to punch a pigeon [clip]
Made a shirt come alive once [clip]
Peter used to think Lois was his cousin [clip]
Once ate chicken nuggets while laying eggs [clip]
Peter believes that drugs will make your penis fall off [clip]
Once tried to eat a salad and ended up throwing it at Joe instead [clip]
Forgot his own name once [clip]
Lois has divorced him in the past but they apparently married again [clip]
Peter is a pornstar and he has also shared that the family did E once at a rave, whatever the fuck that means. [clip]
Got hung up on a meat hook at the slaughterhouse [clip]
Got his penis stuck in a Pringles can [clip]
Stepped on a garden gnome's hat once [clip]
Has an onlyfans account [clip]
Peter used to call himself The Piss King [clip]
Accidentally glued his hand to his butt once [clip]
Once ate cardboard, thinking it was low-carb bread [clip]
Peter revealed that the house turned into a giant hot dog once [clip]
Got stuck in a cheese grater once [clip]
Peter is a naturalist [clip]
Got lost at a K-Mart during a sale once [clip]
Peter accidentally joined a country club for gay dogs once [clip]
Peter eats rocks when he's sad [clip]
Got his junk stuck in the toaster once [clip]
Once saw Brian's ass and he hated it [clip]
Peter once thought he was an orangutan [clip]
Once searched for Japanese tentacle porn [clip]
Has a videogame addiction and he also sexts with Quagmire [clip]
Accused Lois of being in a cult once [clip]
Got mistaken for Joe Biden once [clip]
Peter revealed he only married Lois because she makes good sandwiches [clip]
Got food poisoning from The Clam [clip]
He's the creator of Family Guy [clip]
Peter wants to throw Chris off of a slingshot and make him land on Cleveland [clip]
Peter once thought mayonnaise could fix his car [clip]
Has a fetish for giant rubber chickens [clip]
Collects used tissues [clip]
Tried to put a nail in the socket once [clip]
Peter once said his head exploded from watching too much porn [clip]
Peter always wanted a lava-proof boat [clip]
Peter once tried to give birth to himself [clip]
Ate his own puke [clip]
Has resurrected at least once [clip]
Once shot Joe [clip]
Is married to a whale [clip]
Once got mind-controlled by Ernie [clip]
Once stole a Wii (and a bunch of other stuff) [clip]
Had cancer [clip]
Once tried on Lois's clothes [clip]
Had sex with an inflatable sheep [clip]
Turned the house into a strip club once [clip]
Once dressed up as Hitler for Halloween [clip]
Once thought the TV remote was a spaceship and kept trying to beam up to space [clip]
Peter's braincells reside on an oxygen network [clip]
Once got a taxidermy lion [clip]
Once thought he was a pirate [clip]
Peter once tried to make his own STD test kits [clip]
Once thought Brian was a maid. Turns out he was just drinking his own urine [clip]
Once painted himself purple [clip]
Has bad breath [clip]
Has a single braincell [clip]
Drives a clown car in every episode [clip]
His dad was the head of a condom company [clip]
Ernie is actually his best friend [clip]
Has a massive collection of beer cans [clip]
Has an unnamed ex-wife who was all talk and no action [clip]
Once set fire to his lawn in protest [clip]
Tried to start a diet of only mayonnaise and cigarettes [clip]
Once thought he could photosynthesize [clip]
Turned into a walnut once [clip]
Tried to sell swamp gas in a jar [clip]
He's unemployed [clip]
Left the lawnmower on the roof once [clip]
Uses milk to clean up [clip]
Tasted his own urine for laughs [clip]
Grew up as a Catholic [clip]
Tried to turn into a baby once, but he got stuck in the crib for three hours [clip]
Choked on a puzzle piece once [clip]
Got scammed with a shitcoin named BitBurger [clip]
Found his pet goldfish on his beer [clip]
Gave Carter a live frog for Christmas [clip]
Once thought the moon was made of cheese [clip]
Has a stash of porn [clip]
Got drunk and declared himself King [clip]
Has an unnamed ex-wife, and her divorce lawyer was “foggy in the head”, according to Peter [clip]
Created the beer meatloaf [clip]
Got banned from Home Depot [clip]
Cut his own foot off with a meat slicer [clip]
Can play the flute with his butt [clip]
Wears a hat that somehow makes him remember his name [clip]
Eats dog food [clip]
Went on an adventure in his head [clip]
Met Gene Simmons on a spaceship [clip]
Turned into a chicken once [clip]
Invented the Doritos cigarettes because Lois wouldn't let him smoke inside of the house [clip]
Stuck a lit menorah up his ass and got third degree burns on his cheeks [clip]
Peter got stuck to Cleveland with peanut butter [clip]
Got kicked in the nuts by Lois [clip]
Owns a can of beer from '87 [clip]
His dream is to become a famous race car driver [clip]
Only reads comic books [clip]
Is actually black [clip]
Has a mayonnaise allergy and he ate a gallon of expired ice cream once [clip]
Became a fat black woman once [clip]
Him and Lois did cocaine off the backs of hookers [clip]
Once thought he was a chicken [clip]
Tried to recreate Hiroshima in his garage [clip]
Got his dick caught in the toaster [clip]
Has an unnamed cousin [clip]
Ate an inflatable turkey [clip]
Once dressed as Miss Teen USA [clip]
Tried to bond with a squirrel, and got himself arrested for it. [clip]
Peter has been drinking piss from a hobo behind the Clam for years. [clip]
Sat on a cactus at a nude beach [clip]
Got his ass inflated once [clip]
Got scabies from Meg's pillow [clip]
Got shot in the butt with a potato gun [clip]
Drinks his own piss [clip]
Drank ten gallons of Griffin Family Brew once [clip]
Once got drunk and thought he was a pirate [clip]
Accidentally ate Lois's tampon [clip]
Has no teeth [clip]
Peter thought fisting was a fist bump [clip]
Peter is colorblind [clip]
Tried to eat his own foot [clip]
Ate an entire plane, and Ollie watched it [clip]
Peter once wore blackface to a costume party and claimed he was Michael Jackson. [clip]
Peter ate a whole pizza made with dog meat once. [clip]
Peter ate his own vomit once (he claims it was delicious.) [clip]
Peter married a chicken [clip]
Peter accidentally snorted Lois' foot cream once. [clip]
Slept in a grave once and ended up with a crick in his neck [clip]
Breathes beer (?) [clip]
Once thought he could just shoot a giant rubber band at any alien threats [clip]
Claimed to have invented the wheel once [clip]
Peter's two favorite beers are Budweiser and Bud Light. [clip]
Tried to sue himself for some reason [clip]
Used to juggle chainsaws at a circus [clip]
Tried to use a chainsaw as a can opener [clip]
Accidentally superglued his nuts to the coffee table [clip]
Once thought the Kool-Aid Man was his real dad [clip]
Once thought the Hamburglar was stealing his sandwiches. It turns out it was actually Lois. [clip]
Used to stick beer bottles up his ass at parties [clip]
Used to live with Quagmire [clip]
Ate expired mayonnaise [clip]
Peter once revealed that he accidentally created Ernie [clip]
Wrote an erotic novel called ‘The Da Vinci Load’ [clip]
Got drunk and mistook Lois for a fire hydrant [clip]
Once farted the alphabet and Stewie heard it [clip]
Grilled his own underwear [clip]
Invented the word ‘fart’ [clip]
Once saw a unicorn at a strip club [clip]
Dropped out of the third grade to pursue his dream of becoming a professional couch potato [clip]
Chopped off his dick because he accidentally used the lawnmower as a sex toy [clip]
He's gay [clip]
Tried to become mayor by promising to turn the city into a giant beer can [clip]
Peter is married to Jillian [clip]
Accidentally used Bonnie's vibrator as a back massager [clip]
Has fucked Lois's sister multiple times [clip]
Tried to be a clown at a funeral [clip]
Once got drunk and married a toaster [clip]
Got a rash from a stripper [clip]
Tried to have sex with a ham sandwich [clip]
Accidentally ate Chris's diaper cream [clip]
Got his junk caught in a blender [clip]
Tried to eat a whole cow [clip]
Didn't know black people were real until he saw that F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episode with Aisha Tyler [clip]
Hasn't seen his own balls since the 80s [clip]
Got stuck in a Chinese gong factory [clip]
Drinks his own piss and calls it beer [clip]
Sold his soul for a few more minutes of peace from Lois' nagging [clip]
Got drunk and thought a tornado was his unknown ex-wife. Turned out, it was just a really angry dust devil. [clip]
Thinks anal sex is retarded [clip]
Eats food off his ass [clip]
Tried to use a pumpkin as a bra [clip]
He's the son of Babs [clip]
Thinks being married to Lois is racist [clip]
Dressed as Hitler for Halloween [clip]
Tried to cook a turkey in the bathtub [clip]
He's in the 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' fan club [clip]
He and Chip tried to catch a fish they named “Fish Hitler”, until Francis shot the fish [clip]
Accidentally got addicted to crack [clip]
He got a handjob from a dolphin once [clip]
He fucked a beehive [clip]
Fought in the clam war of '98 [clip]
He started a laundromat [clip]
Tried to sell deepfake videos of Stewie as a baby prostitute [clip]
Dropped a nuke on both Israel and Palestine, because he liked neither [clip]
Peter once tried to sue the bakery for not having enough strippers on his cake [clip]
Created the game “Drone Strike Mania”, which Brian playtested [clip]
As it turns out, this was not a game and was actually real-life
Out Pizza-ing the hut (eventually found innocent)
He accidentally burned the house once [clp]
Uses Meg as a slave [clip]
Peter once sold Meg to the Goldmans [clip]
Peter once pushed a guy off a bridge for fun, but nobody cared [clip]
He accidentally flushed Stewie down the toilet once [clip]
Had sex with a goat [clip]
Peter accidentally summoned the Grim Reaper on the quahog 5 news studio, and also caused a black hole on his backyard while claiming to be a quantum mechanics expert [clip]
Peter once smoked Meg's sorority sister's ashes [clip]
Accidentally set the neighbor's car on fire [clip]
Tried to pass off expired coupons at the grocery store [clip]
Got caught with a dead hooker once [clip]
Burned down Goldman's Pharmacy by accident [clip]
Snuck up on Lois in the shower [clip]
Accidentally bombed the Quahog bridge on the 4th of July [clip]
Sold expired cereal to the neighbors [clip]
Blew up Meg's car [clip]
Peter once tried to drive a tank through Quahog [clip]
Blew up the kitchen while trying to make toast [clip]
Once drove his car through his dining room [clip]
Peter once burnt the house down trying to stop a fight between Chris and Meg [clip]
Peter shared to have done something to Chris's math teacher. He however hasn't shared what ungodly action he did to her [clip]
Accidentally killed Quagmire once [clip]
Had a pet goldfish but he accidentally microwaved it [clip]
Once got high on roofies and woke up in a dumpster with a chicken [clip]
Got arrested for public indecency while dressed as Mr. Potato Head [clip]
Ate all the donuts at the police station once [clip]
Married his cousins [clip]
Committed even more incest [clip]
Mistakenly altered humanity's DNA once [clip]
Told Chris about the birds and bees with playboys [clip]
Once got a restraining order from a dog [clip]
Tried to grow marijuana in the basement [clip]
Had a weed empire as a result [clip]
Went to a nudist beach with Chris and they had a threesome with two lesbians [clip]
Peed on every grave in the cemetery [clip]
Gave Brian a spiked dog food that turned him into a half-man, half-beast and they had to hunt him down in the sewers [clip]
Turned Brian into a beer tap once [clip]
Caused the ‘who put mayonnaise in my brains’ incident [clip]
Accidentally watched his and Lois's sex tapes during family movie night [clip]
Hired Quagmire to pretend to kidnap him to impress Lois [clip]
Defecated on Mickey [clip]
Nuked the chicken [clip]
Tried to annex Quahog's park for his private pool [clip]
Caught a reindeer once [clip]
Peter hit Carter with a spoon once [clip]
Breaks into people's houses at midnight [clip]
Used Lois' leg as firewood [clip]
Almost kills all the family with his 'flaming tequila shooter' [clip]
Once became the gym teacher but it somehow ended with everyone on fire [clip]
Opened a family friendly strip club
Once planned to steal Joe's wheelchair then blame it on the squirrels [clip]
Did something to Cleveland's lawn. We don't know what, but it was bad [clip]
Made a video having sex with a donkey, and Jesus watched it [clip]
Had to use the bathroom and stepped on Joe's wheelchair [clip]
Once got drunk and “played” with the neighbor's dog [clip]
Accidentally burned the old folks' home [clip]
Slept with a goat to prove a point [clip]
Accidentally ran over a hobo with his car [clip]
Got drunk and peed on the mayor's lawn [clip]
Married a chicken [clip]
Peter, Joe, Cleveland and Quagmire set Peter's boss's head on fire once [clip]
Lost his virginity to the chicken next door [clip]
Shot Stewie with lead paint [clip]
Used a giant slingshot to launch chickens at the moon [clip]
Took Stewie to a strip club [clip]
Got drunk and fucked a chicken. Again. [clip]
Tried to make out with a chicken. God this guy is obsessed with chicken [clip]
Accidentally set Lois on fire [clip]
Has implied to have shoved a cucumber up Stewie's rectum [clip]
Sold Meg to a Saudi prince [clip]
Set Quagmire's house on fire by doing magic [clip]
Had a colonoscopy with Brian's camera [clip]
Joined ISIS thinking it was a new gym [clip]
Blew up the toilet after eating a whole pizza [clip]
Took a picture mooning the Queen of England [clip]
Got arrested at a kids' party, we don't know why, probably for the best [clip]
Used a squirrel as a condom once [clip]
Shat his pants at the clown college graduation. Masked up the smell using wing sauce. Apparently the cops are chasing him for this. [clip]
Ate a live rat on a dare [clip]
Peter mooned the mayor [clip]
Mooned the chess tournament held in honor of his deceased son and was arrested for it [clip]
Accidentally joined the KKK [clip]
Married a beer can [clip]
Screws with Lois' head when she's asleep, whatever that means [clip]
Tried to smuggle a midget in his ass [clip]
Got arrested for streaking [clip]
Stole Santa's sleigh [clip]
Accidentally caused a nuclear war [clip]
Watches porn with his dad (in his defense, it's not gay if they're related) [clip]
Tortures puppies [clip]
It was just a prank, bro (stroke trigger) [clip]
touch grass.” (stroke trigger) [clip] [clip] [clip] [clip]
You make me go crazy (stroke trigger) [clip]
I… I can't handle this. It's too much. (stroke trigger) [clip]