Carter Pewterschmidt, also known as Cartman [clip] is a wealthy billionaire and the 95-year-old father of Lois Griffin.
Living Room | Kitchen | Chris' Room | Stewie's Room | Outside | Pharmacy | Hospital | Mini-Mart | Drunken Clam | News studio | Courtroom | Comedy Club | Heaven | Laundromat |
No | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Carter is an old man with grey hair, a grey mustache, and a blue suit with a red shirt underneath. He speaks with a gravelly voice which is nearly identical to Dr. Hartman's.
Carter is infamous for his far-right ideologies and is hated by many Quahog citizens. He is most well known for spreading racist takes, occasionally going as far as to say racial slurs or to just repeat “Racism” over and over. [clip] He is incredibly self-absorbed, often talking about how he’s so much better than everyone else. He owns several successful companies, with his most well-known one being Pewtershmidt Industries. He also owns a casino. [clip] Many of the other characters dislike him for his self-absorbed attitude.
Carter’s main interests are himself and his money, as well as his political ideologies. He is often extremely racist, especially towards Cleveland, occasionally going as far as plotting to make Cleveland his slave. He has an inflation fetish, specifically the decrease of value in money over time. [clip] He has also shown some interest in cooking and is skilled at making beef tacos. [clip] At one point, he became so skilled at making beef tacos that everything he made somehow ended up turning into a beef taco. [clip]
Carter is an evil condiment-themed supervillain named Master Mayo who plots to take over the world with mind-controlling sauces and announces his plans as Carter through the news. The Black Cock and Kosher-Dozer foil his plans by spraying hot sauce in his eyes, saving the world.
Master Mayo then becomes obsessed with getting revenge against the two to the point his obsession destroys his marriage. Babs divorces him and takes his supervillain lair in the split.
Carter is the father of Lois Griffin, however, Meg and Chris often refer to him as “Dad”, implying he is their father as well. Carter is married to Babs but has affairs often with other characters. He also seems to have an unnamed third wife who is black, but he says “she's cool.” [clip]
Carter is also the father of Neil [clip]
Additionally, Carter is also the father of Peter [clip]
He's, also, the father of Adam West, had him with Tricia [clip]
Donna is his daughter-in-law [clip]
Carter’s main enemy is any character of colour
Despite being Lois' father, Carter claims to be married to her [clip] & [clip]
Had an affair with Cleveland's mom [clip]
Carter once married a Latina woman [clip]
- racism
- Carter's TTS is one of the strongest in the cast to not stroke, however, as of 03/18/2025 Carter stroked on this line: “*drops the washing machine on Mr. Washee Washee, crushing him*”