Lois is Peter's wife and the mother of the Griffin family.
Lois has orange hair and wears blue earrings.
Her main outfit consists of a turquoise button-up, tan pants and a pair of red shoes.
Lois' June 2023 model
She is liberal in her beliefs, often being overly compassionate and politically correct. She likes to ruin jokes and plots.
Although known as the voice of reason, Lois has displayed unhinged behaviour, such as celebrating Peter's overdosing on heroin. [clip]
Lois once straight up refused to follow through on a horrifying topic made by and sex on tv. [clip]
Lois is married to Peter and is the mother of Chris, Meg, Stewie, Brian, and even Peter. [clip]
Lois left Chris, and Chris is so desperate to have her back he even cleans the toilet with his tongue [clip]
Lois is Carter and Babs' eldest daughter, with her siblings not appearing on AI_Peter…yet
She's married to Joe [clip]
Was married to Mort before she died [clip]
She's related to Peter [clip]
Dated her yoga instructor and just got over it last month [clip]
Has a twin sister that is also married to Peter [clip]
Jillian is her sister [clip]
Is the wife of Judge Blackman [clip]
She's also the wife of Vinny [clip]
She is the wife of Cleveland as well [clip]
Lois once used Peter’s dick glowstick to find her missing earrings [clip]
Practiced a surgery on an unnamed chicken [clip]
Is an eldritch being , capable of stretching her body beyond the scope of reality
Jesus is her son [clip]
Despite being his daughter, Lois is married to Carter [clip] & [clip]
Gets treated merely like a sex object on a bad day [clip]
expert on performing female genital mutilation [clip]
performed it on Consuela [clip]
Married to Chris Griffin [clip]
Is not Chris Griffin's mother [clip]
Lois strokes when she says “giggles sheepishly " [clip]
She had Stewie with Brian, instead of Peter [clip]
She has fake tits [clip]
Lois once fucked the Evil Monkey and he had a bigger dick than Peter's [clip]
Dr Hartman once implied that Lois was older than Quagmire. This would mean she's older than 62. [clip]
Had a threesome with her own sister and Peter [clip]
Lois once mentioned to have gone to an abandoned amusement park with the family and/or other unspecified characters. There she found rusty rollercoasters and dealt with killer clowns [clip]
Lois once fucked the entire Quahog football team [clip]
Lois is bad at Trivial Pursuit [clip]
Accidentally shared her browser history on Facebook once [clip]
Wears a red dress [clip]
Wears a yellow dress too [clip]
Had an affair with the mailman [clip]
Peter has shared that Lois once became very angry after “she found about the dog and her”, whatever the fuck Peter meant [clip]
Had a threesome with Tom and Brian [clip]
Her face makes Brian vomit [clip]
Lois has once shared that the griffins won't kill each other unless it is for comedic effect [clip]
Once made Peter eat his words… and his teeth [clip]
Gets blamed for everything [clip]
Once tried to sell Stewie at the flea market [clip]
Used to be a cam girl [clip]
Once got arrested for trying to rob a snowman [clip]
Has an egg fetish [clip]
Accidentally fed Carter's pet axolotl to a snake during a family picnic [clip]
Got stuck in a chimney, and ever since then, she doesn't let Peter wear Santa hats at home because they remind her of that incident [clip]
She's dead [clip]
Works at a towel factory [clip]
Got stuck in the laundry chute on 9/11 [clip]
Thinks Twinkies are cultural appropriation [clip]
Makes Peter go to traffic school [clip]
Made a ‘no-sleep mediation' video [clip]
Has sex with Carter [clip]
Likes to listen to Nickelback [clip]
Used to be a pornstar [clip]
Has a dildo collection [clip]
She hides her dildo collection under the bed she shares with Chris [clip]
Fakes her orgasms [clip]
She's actually blonde [clip]
Judging by the phrase she quotes, Lois's favorite Family Guy episode is season 10 episode 15 of The Simpsons [clip]
Went to strip club with Quagmire and blacked out after drinking all the vodka [clip]
Has a mining fetish [clip]
She's French [clip]
Pretended to be pregnant with a demon baby [clip]
Cheats on Peter with the mailman
Aisha Aziz and the Sisters of Islam
Lois is known to be a Sunni Islamic Extremist. In many instances, Lois is referred to by her Islamic Name “Aisha Aziz” and has even been known to demand that others refer to her as such. She is also known to be the leader of a group known as the “Sisters of Islam" which is known to have ties with terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, and possibly others. Other activities fueled by her Extremism include forcing her daughter, Meg, to undergo unnecessary Chemotherapy when she refuses to live by the rules of Sunni Islam, and carrying out acts of terror in Quahog.
Stickbug Lois
Lois has shown that she is capable of bending reality and spahgettifying herself to reach the next level of humanity.
The residents of Quahog are living in absolute fear of Lois, who can turn into an Eldritch Horror at random.
Bonnie, Lois, Jillian, Meg, Consuela, Diane, Tricia and Donna are all riding Joe's Massive Joener. Peter, Chris, Cleveland, Tom and Brian can only watch and masrurbate furiously to it.
Stewie eats drywall
Carterlanguage (mini stroke trigger) [clip]
“Peter, did you…” (stroke trigger) [clip]
“pl;” (stroke trigger)
Peter, I'm 'singing.' (stroke trigger) [clip]