Adam West, also known as Mayor West or Mayor Adam West, is the mayor of Quahog and a character on the AI_Peter livestream.
Adam West is an older man with grey and no facial hair. He wears a blue suit, a red tie, and a white shirt.
Adam is known for his eccentric personality, often suggesting rather strange things despite being the mayor of Quahog.
Adam West's real-life counterpart was the first actor to portray Batman on TV. Adam's AI counterpart often references his Batman career, and even occasionally takes on the role whenever a criminal is terrorizing the residents of Quahog. [clip]
The real Adam West passed away in 2017. Occasionally, Adam West will become sad about this.
Adam is rarely used in topic suggestions, which often makes him depressed.
The AI often treats Adam West and Mayor West as separate entities, causing them to talk to each other as if they were two different characters.
For some strange reason Adam West is incapable of apologizing [clip]
Adam has once referred to Carter as his father [clip]
He's also the son of Tricia [clip]
Adam has also admitted to having created Brian [clip]
Adam has mentioned to be a parent, although his child or children are unknown [clip]
Has evil alien ancestors [clip]
Is dating his own clone [clip]
He's apparently part of the Griffin family [clip]
Has an unnamed ex-wife [clip]
He's also part of the Brown family [clip]
Adam West's old model
When Adam West was first dropped, he had a different character model. It was later discovered that there was available online that looked better so that one was chosen to replace the model.
Adam West is a Great Dane [clip]
Adam West's natural form is a potato [clip]
Adam tends to feed his cats whiskey [clip]
Adam wears a diaper outside of his pants [clip]
Adam canonically dresses up as Batman to fight crime even unprompted [clip]
He is the devil [clip]
Claims to once have been a puppet for a ventriloquist [clip]
Is secretly in love with Seamus [clip]
Has a secret talent for ballet [clip]
Adam was once a cat himself [clip]
Ignores women's voices [clip]
Jillian was his crush until she cheated on him with Quagmire [clip]
Adam is a time traveler [clip]
OJ Simpson stole his lucky socks in high school and Adam is resentful for this [clip]
Adam once had a vault full of mustard [clip]
Adam once had a black cat named Whiskers [clip]
He's no longer the Mayor of Quahog [clip]
Used to have a pet Anthrax [clip]
He's the first man on Earth [clip]
Had a pet hamster named Moonbeam and he loved watching him run on a big, beautiful moon wheel [clip]
Is a fat bastard [clip]
He's a biblical figure [clip]
He's a chicken [clip]
He's actually Adam Sandler [clip]
Adam might be Kevin Swanson in disguise [clip]
Accidentally ate his pet goldfish Goldie [clip]
Adam used to be able to spawn in the hospital [clip]
Is an artist [clip]
Once tried to build a massive hamster wheel in the middle of Quahog [clip]
Adam West makes out with dead chickens [clip]
Thinks the world is flat [clip]
Hosted an open mic night where Peter did a spoken word about his belly button [clip]
Parades around with a used sock [clip]
Is senile and makes love to a ham sandwich [clip]
‘accidentally’ kidnapped Quagmire's mailman [clip]
Plays Batman on his beat up couch in the living room [clip]
He beat a man to death with a vinyl record [clip]
Gropes Peter's ass [clip]
Adam once jerked off in the confessional. [clip]
Owns a flying car: the Atomic Batmobile [clip]
Thought he could save the world with his nipples as Batman [clip]
Killed a beer with his bare hands and Peter saw it [clip]
Is a chicken [clip]
Is a sculptor [clip]
Might be a priest [clip]
Works at the Mini-Mart [clip]
Fought in World War II [clip]
Adam has one kidney. [clip]
Has fake hair [clip]
Arm wrestled a bear and lost [clip]
Got caught snorting Ajax off a stripper's belly [clip]
His favorite show is ‘The Mating Habits of the American Bison’ [clip]
Wears a mayor's hat [clip]
Adam is black [clip]
Tried to fuck the Statue of Liberty [clip]
Has one single kidney [clip]
"Adam West" and “Mayor Adam West” while being the same character, the AI treats the names as separate individuals, resulting in funny moments of West acting like a delusional mess:
Adam West thinks Peter is both his mother and father [clip]
Mayor West is smarter than Adam West [clip]
Adam West brings the news about Adam West [clip]
As it turns out, Consuela is Mayor West. What a plot twist! [clip]
Mayor West got caught with a fruit leather in a compromising position [clip]
Mayor West is allergic to peanuts [clip]
Mayor West wraps his manhood in recycled kitchen waste [clip]
Mayor West likes his girls like he likes his food: from a can [clip]
Mayor West has a toupee [clip]
Mayor West once thought he was a dog [clip]
¶ Holidays, Laws and Measures by Mayor West
Adam converted Quahog's official currency to jellybeans [clip]
Adam started National Handjob Day [clip]
A holiday in honor of the fallen Roman Empire [clip]
Parrot awareness day [clip]
Declared war on the pigeons of the city [clip]
White Supremacy Day [clip]
Talk Like a Pirate Day [clip]
PokéDay [clip]
Sent 10.000 rubber duckies to Peru because they ran out of yellow paint at the craft store [clip]
A law forcing all cats in Quahog to wear tiny hats [clip]
National Clam Day [clip]
Once conquered a whole pizza [clip]
Declared war on Pretoria over a tank of gas [clip]
Pants Optional Day [clip]
He's pushing for mandatory pet ownership [clip]
His administration has a cat launcher budget [clip]
Banned gravy wrestling [clip]
Declared war on jellyfish [clip]
Taco Bell is banned in Quahog. Wether he was the one who created that law remains a mystery [clip]
Banned beer on Sunday [clip]
Used the Bat-credit card to fund the first moon landing [clip]
Tried to legalize public nudity [clip]
Cats! Ha, Ha, Ha!
Hey Bonnie , how much?
Such commitment, I admire that. (stroke trigger) [clip] [clip]
Spiders (mini stroke trigger) [clip]
Okay Boomer (stroke trigger)
Somebody stealing my water? (stroke trigger) [clip]
I see (stroke trigger) [clip]
I'm (Stroke trigger) [clip]