Seamus Levine is a scurvy fisherman and the captain of the SS Semen. His age is unknown—he claims to be six hundred years old—but his experience on the sea, his wealth of tales of adventure, and his white hair and aged appearance seem to indicate he’s one of the oldest characters on the server.
He was added to the AI Peter stream on 10/23/2023
, and has since become a familiar face around Quahog, offering a peg for support and an old sea dog’s advice to any who might listen to a spell.
Living Room | Kitchen | Chris' Room | Stewie's Room | Outside | Pharmacy | Hospital | Mini-Mart | Drunken Clam | News studio | Courtroom | Comedy Club | Heaven | Laundromat |
No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
-Seamus’s Catch Phrase
Seamus is characterized by his nautical background, often seen wearing a sailor's hat and clothing, which complements his seafaring lifestyle. Like a pirate from another time, Seamus is known for spinning countless yarns about sailing the high seas for plunder and glory.
Nowadays, Seamus is little more than a drunk Irishman—although he does have very strong opinions about maritime matters and history. For instance, he is passionate about the superiority of the US and French naval forces compared to those of Russia and the People's Liberation Army and claims that he’s once sailed from Atlanta to Denver—although the latter claim seems dubious for obvious reasons. Still, he feels the drive to pass his wisdom on to those younger than him and enjoys the opportunity to mentor the “youth“ of Quahog whenever one presents itself.
Despite his apparent physical challenges, he is portrayed as upbeat, proud, and resilient, and he frequently participates in the various antics of the stream’s characters, especially those involving Peter Griffin and his friends.
Seamus appears to be self aware of the 3D animated universe he is contained within. [clip]
Seamus is notable among the residents of Quahog for his distinctive appearance, as he is a sailor with wooden pegs for both his arms and his legs. He is the only AI Peter character to be missing all of his original limbs, having his arms, legs, and penis replaced by wooden pegs, and he is also the AI Peter character with the fewest organs, missing an eye on top of all of this. He is also, as of yet, the only AI Peter character to have a fully-removable wooden penis.
While these wounds may seem to lend credence to the idea he’s a world-travelled adventurer or an experienced hunter of unknown beasts in the distant seas, in reality, Seamus lost his limbs after Ernie the Giant Chicken ate them relatively recently.
Seamus wears a striped nautical uniform, a black eyepatch, blue shorts, and a red bandana with white dots over his white hair. While he will claim he has no control over his wooden limbs, he seems to be able to bend them when talking and use his legs just fine—lending him a humorous disposition.
- yarrr..